January 11, 2009

Introduction ~ What should I post about?

This is my first time creating a blog. I am creating this as an assignment for a course towards my master's degree. I have to admit that I had a hard time trying to come up with an idea of what I should be posting here. As a high school math teacher, I thought that this could be a great opportunity for me to collaborate with other teachers that I would normally not have contact with. As a result, I have decided to make my blog be a place were I could share (swap) teacher ideas and experiences with other teachers. I have been teaching for about 11 years and have found many things that I feel work well for me, so why not share them. On the other hand, I still have some things that I am constantly changing and consider them things that don't work for me, so why not ask for some suggestions from fellow teachers. Finally, in addition to swapping ideas, it is also great to share teacher stories, whether funny, sad, stressful or inspirational, so I plan to have some of these too. So, while completing a course assignment, I hope that someone will stumble upon my blog and share some of their great ideas or stories about teaching with me or maybe they will enjoy one of mine.

1 comment:

  1. Vicky,
    I have already enjoyed reading your posts. I teach 5th grade, so along with math, I teach the other 3 content areas.

    Since you are a math teacher, I was wondering if you are a member of NCTM or have ever been to a conference. I went to the Salt Lake City conference last year. It was outstanding. If you are interested in swapping ideas, etc., I would recommend looking into attending the annual conference in D.C. this April. www.nctm.org

    I look forward to working with you in EDUC 6710 this semester. (We are in the same group on the blog board.)

