January 11, 2009

What doesn't work for me #1 ~ Homework System

I have heard of many websites for homework help for students, but I am a teacher in need of homework help. I have been teaching for a while now and I thought I would have figured this one out by now. However, I still have not found a good homework system that works for me and that I am willing to continue using. I am constantly trying new things hoping to find something that will make this part of my job a little easier, but it seems that no matter what I try each semester, I am still overwhelmed with homework--how to assign it, collect it, mark it, keep track of it, and use it to compute part of the final grade. I normally have about 150-160 students and so the amount of homework that comes in is tremendous and I am still trying to figure out a way to stay on top of it. Anyone have some suggestions? Thanks.


  1. Vicky, here's my system. It works for me and it may work for you. Each assignment is labeled A1, A2, A3. The "A" stands for assignment. Each assignment is tagged with a number. I like labeling the homework this way because if I need to check homework, I just say "I'm checking A5." I require the students to label the homework at the top of the paper. The students can find their homework easily. I also require the students to complete their homework in a composition book. I never ask them to tear pages out of the composition book.

    About checking homework, I always check it in class. As they are doing the warm-up, I walk around the class to check their homework. When I check that they have completed the assignment, I stamp their homework. I also check homework on days where the students are taking a quiz or test. On a quiz/test day, I tell the students the assignment that I'm checking. I have them open their composition book and place them in a specific section of the classroom. While they're taking the quiz/test, I'm grading their homework.

    As I'm checking the homework, I also carry around a booklet. The booklet contains 3 sections: attendance, citizenship, and grades. The 3 sections have papers printed with the students names. The booklet is made for each semester. This booklet is my hard copy of attendance, citizenship points and grades. Each semester I print the papers and have it binded at Kinko's. So I have a booklet for each class for each semester.

    If I collect worksheets, I try not to collect all the worksheets on the same day. Otherwise, I will feel compelled to grade it all on the same day.

    I hope my suggestions make sense to you and that you can find them helpful.

  2. Diana,
    Wow, you are organized! I want a system like yours! ;) I am still figuring things out like Vicky. I guess you have to know what assignments you will give ahead of time in order to do this? I love the idea, but this is just my second year and second different grade level. I really like your idea, do you give the students a list of assignments and what letter and # they correspond to?

